The above photo is of Christopher John Trevor Midgley (known as Trevor). He was born in Leeds in May 1946, so would be about three years old when this photo was taken. As you can see, he is standing near a stage on which bottles of Welfare Orange Juice and/or Cod Liver Oil are displayed. Trevor is holding up a bottle for the camera.

The photo is 10 inches x 6 inches (25cm x 15cm) and is obviously taken by a professional. There is nothing on the back to indicate the identity of the news organisation or photographer.

Do you know anything about the original advertising / promotion of Welfare Orange Juice and Cod Liver Oil? Do you know anyone who does? Do you recognise this photograph or this child? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Please contact me at sandramidgley1@gmail.com

Why am I asking for information about this photo?

In Trevor’s family, it was always said that, as a toddler, he had been on the national posters advertising NH orange juice. It was also said that he won a Bonny Baby competition held in Leeds Town Hall, which was judged by famous-actress-of-the-day, Jessie Matthews. These two events may or may not be linked.

My guess is that the photo at the top of this page was not the basis for the national poster, but more likely a local news item about a promotion of Welfare Orange Juice and Cod Liver Oil in the area. Maybe someone there (Trevor’s mother?) pointed out that this child had, or was about to, feature in an advertising campaign, and so the photographer took this picture of Trevor with the bottle.

I’ve tried to trace the source of the photo, but without any luck. I’ve tried to find details of the advertising relating to orange juice and cod liver oil; again, no luck.

Please look at the photo again. If you have any information — anything at all — please contact me at sandramidgley1@gmail.com.

Thank you -

Sandra Midgley